For conservatives nationwide, the outcome of the 2012 presidential election was a riveting and harsh wake-up call: superior policy can’t surpass superior campaign movement. How then was the Republican Party so misguided? And, where did the GOP go wrong? If you were devastated at the outcome of 2012 and now questioning 2016, then join this conversation, live or on-demand, with Jerome Corsi, Ph.d, as he gets one-on-one with “Reverend Craig” and tells the “The REALLY, Real, Deal” why Obama won the 2012 presidential election. Corsi’s new book, What Went Wrong?reveals that the GOP’s campaign debacle lies not with the values of the Republican campaign, but with its execution against the well-oiled and under-estimated Democratic Party machine; which left team Romney in the dust, and renewed Obama’s lease on Pennsylvania Avenue. Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a senior staff reporter for online news giant, WND. He has authored many books, including two No. 1 New York Times bestsellers, “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry” (with co-author John O’Neill), and “The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality.” Corsi’s latest book is “What Went Wrong?: The Inside Story of the GOP Debacle of 2012 . . . And How It Can Be Avoided Next Time (WND Books, July 16, 2013) . The book is available at major booksellers or grab your copy at Amazon Books.
The Hatchet Man ➢ Seven Cs For Success ➢ Constitutional Limits ➢ 2012 Election: “What Went Wrong?” with Jerome Corsi