Democratic Hypocrisy
In this episode, The Hatchet Man talks about the the hypocritical two-sided arguments Democrats bring up when talking about the horrors of Jeffery Epstein, yet, ignoring the abominable acts of violence from Left Wing Radicals who use gun violence to push for their agendas. Violence is not a true Republican or Conservative value. Democrats are currently displaying the same violence they claim to oppose and standing up against them has become dangerous, and this is largely due to the “Republican” progressives enabling and promoting these Democrats. While low-fat Republicans are worrying about a man who Donald Trump kicked out of his circle about 15 years ago, Democrats are using that momentum to limit personal freedoms and promote an agenda that leads to violence and bigotry. Ultimately, they and those who claim to uphold Christ but worry more about the financial support they gain, outright lie about being concerned about anyone but themselves.
This episode aired on August 14, 2019. Tune in to 1100 KFNX in Phoenix every Wednesday at 3pm CDT or 6pm EST to hear The Hatchet Man and His Hatchet of Truth.
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May the Lord bless thee and keep thee.
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord look upon you, and give you peace. – Numbers 6:24 – 26
Reverend Craig