“THE PRINCE OF THE KINGS OF EARTH” is what John calls Jesus in Revelations.
Welcome to The REALLY Real Deal, and today is Flashback Friday. Join me as we look back on my SUNDAY MESSAGE for July 31, 2022.
Most Kings in the Bible are told what to do by the Prophets.
Moses tells Pharoah; Samuel tells Saul; Nathan tells David; Elijah tells Ahab; Alisha tells Jehu; John the Baptist tells Herod; and Jesus tells all of the leadership, including Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, Essenes, on down to our modern leaders both in church and in government.
So do not listen to those who say Politics are not compatible with Christianity.
In addition, we look at two of Jesus’s many titles in the bible, both being political titles: King and “the Prince of Kings.”
These same weak and misinformed Pastors have other areas of life they want you to leave your Christian faith out of once you accept the false premise that there is ANY sphere of life where we cannot take Jesus, our LORD.
However, we know that God expects us to live our lives for Him. If we are unwilling to allow God’s love, truth, and wisdom permeate every aspect of our hearts, our lives, and our minds, we know we have fallen for the lie that it is acceptable to leave your faith out of politics.
God Bless y’all!