The Hatchet Man
Greetings, Hatchet Nation!
Just a reminder to save-the-date for our winter fundraiser meet-and-greet, featuring a live radio broadcast of “The REALLY, Real, Deal with Brother Craig the Hatchet Man” with audience participation, followed by a special Hatchet Nation message from Brother Craig, and holiday refreshments. This year’s fundraiser supports the radio ministry’s 2019 market expansion from a 1-day broadcast to a 5-day broadcast for the afternoon-drive, as the replacement program for the Michael Savage Show (4-6pm, ET.).
Come out 12/15 and join the celebration. As a watchman on the wall of liberty, I need your support to continue broadcasting Truth to power and to a hurting world.
RSVP by 12/13/2018 to [email protected], or call 804.251.0029. If you’re unable to attend, visit to make an appreciated secure online donation, or mail your donation, payable to The First Amendment, Inc., to the address above.
“The REALLY, Real, Deal with Brother Craig the Hatchet Man” airs Saturdays, from 10am – 12pm, Et., on 820AM & 92.7 FM WNTW, by stream at, or via Facebook Live.
God bless you for your prayers and support and and for being the best part of the show.
We looking forward to seeing you there!
-Brother Craig