About the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE)
Star Parker, founder and president of he Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), shares “The REALLY, Real, Deal” on waging the fight against poverty and restoring dignity through faith, freedom, and personal responsibility.
CURE is a Washington D.C. based public policy institute and leads a network of 800 pastors serving in at-risk communities across the country. CURE also hosts the BlackCommunityNews.com, a leading internet news network that has provided conservative information to more than two million viewers since 2015.
About Star Parker
Before involvement in social activism, she had seven years experience in the grip of welfare dependency. After a Christian conversion, she changed her life. Now, Star regularly consults with both federal and state legislators on market-based strategies to fight poverty.
Star was a consultant on federal Welfare Reform in the mid-90s and then founded CURE to bring new ideas to policy discussions on how to transition America’s poor from government dependency.
As stated on her website, in 2017,she joined the White House Opportunity Initiative task force to share ideas on how to best fix the nation’s most distressed zip codes. In 2018, she was appointed to the U.S. Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commission.
Star is the author of numerous books and holds a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and International Business from Woodbury University and has received numerous awards and commendations for her work on public policy issues.