Jesus’s Tough Words On Palm Sunday
Welcome to Flashback Friday with The REALLY Real Deal. On April 10th, 2022, I posted my message for Palm Sunday, titled: “Jesus’ Tough Words On Palm Sunday.”
After Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He made his way to Jerusalem. He restored the sight of two blind men as He left Jericho. He foretold His betrayal, scourging, death, and resurrection to the 12 disciples.
As Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people worshiped Him by preparing the way for the Lord. As he rode in on the donkey, they laid palm leaves on the road. They began shouting praises to Him! Saying, “Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest!”
After this, He went to the temple where he turned over the tables of merchants and money changers. In doing so, He drove them all out.
He rebuked the Scribes, Chief Priests, Pharisees, and Elders by calling them “blind,” “fools,” and “hypocrites” (Matthew 23:13-36).
All of the parables He tells are very tough lessons to learn, and often times, they can be confusing. He goes from telling of a tree that He curses, to prophesying the destruction of the temple. He gives us parables about the deceit of false prophets, and fake comings of Christ, to the slaying of enemies.
They don’t stop there, either. As a matter of fact, there are so many more.
You Might Be Asking, “Where Can I Find These Tough Words?”
If you are wondering where you can find these different accounts in the Bible, I encourage you to look them up! You can find details of Jesus’ time on earth in Matthew, chapters 20-26; Mark, chapters 11-13; and Luke, chapters 18-20.
It is also important to note that when compared to the first three Gospels, John’s account of what happened is different than the first three. Read John, chapters 12-16 to see what I mean.
Reality is, all four of these accounts should be thoroughly studied. But for some reason, the full story is rarely told, and people just don’t understand it.
It is vital for us, as Sons and Daughters of God, to understand the full Gospel. It cannot truly pierce the depths of your heart and mind if you do not understand exactly what Christ saved us from. You cannot truly be transformed if you do not grasp the amount of mercy God has for us.
God sacrificed so much, that we might one day be fully restored to our Father’s House in Heaven.
Will you accept this challenge to study His words in its proper context for yourself?