Will You Be A Lover Of Truth In 2023?
Welcome to The REALLY Real Deal. Today, we are going back to my New Year’s message on Sunday, January 2, 2022. I call it, “Will You Be A Lover Of Truth?”
In this message, I am recapping some of the major disruptions and deceptions that were propagated in 2020-Present day.
Think about all the ways these deceptions still continue to plague our society, and your life, on a day to day basis. The media continues to cover up the corruption in our government. At times, it seems as if they are succeeding. People continue speaking out against the evil being committed, only to be met with constant opposition from those in power.
A perfect example of this is the Covid Vaccine propaganda. It is disturbing to think of all the people that have lost their lives due to the vaccine.
But they don’t care about that. They continue to push it anyway, and they silence the truth about the harm it does to those on the receiving end of the needle.
As we have seen in the past two years, God is continuing to send us into a strong delusion. In fact, the bible says in 2 Thessalonians Ch 2: “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.”
Keep an ear out in the video for when I talk about what the “cause” is, and who is being referred to when it says “they”.
My Question To You
My biggest question to you is this: in times of strong delusion and great confusion, will you be a lover of truth?
How can you, as the bible puts it, pray without ceasing?
Do you intentionally seek God out to invite Him into your day?
Will you continue to love others according to the command of Christ, so that your light might shine brightly among men?
Most of all, will you love the Lord, your God, with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength?
I challenge you to think about ways you can do these things in the days ahead. How can you stick to this for the rest of your life?
God Bless y’all!