The Disaster in Japan, war in Libya, soaring food and energy prices; the common thread? Tune in to learn about how events, such as these, are leading to “America’s Next Great Crisis”, a special pilot TV series to be hosted by “Reverend Craig the Hatchet Man”, and to be uStreamed via the Internet and available on YouTube. The television series will feature leading expert guests on a variety of specific weekly topics as they relate to the groundbreaking work of authors, Neil Howe, and the late William Strauss, who wrote THE FOURTH TURNING in 1997, where Howe and Strauss predict America’s future by precisely identifying the cyclical and generational natures of Anglo–American history which dates back to John Tudor in the 1500’s. Previous Fourth Turnings (4T’s) have produced The Great Depression and WWII; The Civil War; The Revolutionary War; and other society-altering wars in England, each one 4 generations from the last, reaching back to Tudor. Join host “Reverend Craig the Hatchet Man” for this insightful episode and to learn about the present 4T the country is enduring, as well as the upcoming compelling and enlightening six-week television special covering how to PREPARE, SURVIVE, & TRIUMPH through “AMERICA’S NEXT GREAT CRISIS!”
The Hatchet Man ➢ Seven Cs For Success ➢ Constitutional Limits ➢ An Introduction to: “America’s Next Great Crisis!” A TV Special.