What if you, as a mother, concentrated on your daughter for one year? Who might she become? A VOICE BECOMING is for moms who want to usher their daughters into womanhood but know they need more than tips, techniques, and programs.
This is for moms who to desire to chart a course for their daughters that helps them know the story of God they are entering and the global sisterhood of women they are joining.
Beth has been in ministry for over 21 years and has served in the Middle East for a decade, providing leadership, direction, and care to women in both the local and national ministries. She served internationally in the Middle East for a decade, giving leadership, direction and care to women in both the local and national ministries, completed her graduate degree and started a non-profit, A Face to Reframe.
In 2009, Beth founded A Face to Reframe, a non-profit that seeks to to prevent human trafficking through participatory arts, training, and community building, and her husband supports this initiative by challenging men to engage this issue through his non-profit, Restoration Project.
As a volunteer Manager of Domestic Sex Trafficking for the U Count Campaign, a Northern Colorado based global anti-sex trafficking ministry, and leads local efforts in victim services for those impacted by sex trafficking.
Beth is a proud member of Redbud Writer’s Guild, a regular contributor for Red Tent Living. Beth and her husband, Chris, have three children. To learn more about Beth Bruno visit www.bethbruno.org/welcome.
There is too much heartache in the world for her voice to not be heard and too much glory in her soul to not be unleashed. If I do one parenting thing right, it will be to raise a young woman who knows her voice is valued, needed, and essential. –A Voice Becoming: A Yearlong Mother-Daughter Journey Into Passionate, Purposed Living