Author, Grant Berry drops in with his new book, The New Covenant Prophecy, which tells the very personal, real-life story of a Jewish believer who believes that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Jewish Messiah. Berry’s fascinating background includes being born in London into a wealthy Jewish family, parental divorce, anti-Semitism, and a supernatural spiritual experience when a Voice told him that he was loved and would be used to minister to God’s people. Jews, Messianic Jews, Christians, and nonbelievers alike will be enthralled with the intriguing details of Berry’s life in England and the United States—not only what was going on spiritually but also his keen mind for business-building and entrepreneurship. In this episode, Berry shares his spiritual discoveries in sensitive yet exciting ways that reveal the Good News of Yeshua so Jewish people can better understand the New Covenant—and Gentile believers can better understand the Church’s reconnection to Israel in the last days. Join the conversation with Grant Berry and “Reverend Craig” and share it with a friend. To learn more visit
The Hatchet Man ➢ Seven Cs For Success ➢ Christian Faith ➢ Author, Grant Berry Reconnects With “New Covenant Prophecy”