About Evangelist Alveda C. King
Evangelist Dr. Alveda C. King is the daughter of the late slain civil rights activist Rev. A. D. King and his wife Naomi Barber King.
Alveda is the grateful mother of six children and she is a doting grandmother. During more than half century of her life, Alveda has worked towards her purpose of glorifying God in the earth by accomplishing many goals.
Currently, Alveda is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, serving as Director of African American Outreach for Gospel of Life, headed up by Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life. She also consults with the African Humanitarian Christian Fellowship, founded by her mentor, Pastor Allen McNair of Believers’ Bible Christian Church in Atlanta, Georgia.
During the years of the Civil Rights Movement, led by her Uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Alveda’s family home was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama in the heat of the struggle. “Daddy’s house was bombed, then in Louisville, Kentucky, his church office was bombed. I was also jailed during the open housing movement,” she recalls.
In commemoration of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the King family legacy, check out her uncle’s brilliant speech, “The Street Sweeper”, and “If I Had Sneezed”.
Alveda has continued her long-term work as a civil rights activist, speaking out on issues that face society today. “I believe that School Choice is a pressing civil rights issue. Perhaps the most compelling issue of all is the life of the unborn,” Alveda says.
“Faith in God, and the commitment to fulfill His will for our lives, not faith in government bureaucracy, is the key to positive action. Babies in the womb are people; that they are as helpless as slaves in the hands of their slave masters, as vulnerable as people who are aged or infirm, yet all are entitled to life and human dignity, from natural conception or fertilization until natural death.”
Dr. Alveda King served as Regional Deputy of the U.S. Department of Education under President George H. W. Bush and is the author of numerous books, including Home for the Holidays Cookbook.
To hear more of Reverend Craig’s conversations with Dr. Alveda C. King, click here