Before even hitting bookshelves last November, the release of “Capitol Punishment” caused a firestorm on Capitol Hill amongst Washington’s powerful lobbying community. While Washington power players presumed Abramoff was gone and buried in a federal prison, what they didn’t realize was that not only was he released in June 2010, but that he was penning what has been defined as the most devastating attack on special interest power in decades. The scandals triggered by Abramoff led to the convictions of 20 people for payoffs in exchange for political favors, including Bob Ney (Republican Rep of Ohio).
Publisher, WND Books, declared, ““Capitol Punishment” reveals that Abramoff is a smart, funny, charming, clear-eyed narrator who confounds every expectation of the media’s villainous portrait.” Join this episode and learn why Jack Abramoff, dubbed by two Hollywood inspired flicks as “Casino Jack”, is considered public enemy No. 1 to Capitol Hill.
Jack’s story of Washington corruption and scandal has been featured on “:60 Minutes”, the “Today Show”, Sean Hannity (radio and TV), CNN’s “Piers Morgan”, “Fox & Friends”, MSNBC’s “Lawrence O’Donnell”, and now on “The REALLY, Real, Deal with Reverend Craig the Hatchet Man”. Don’t miss this conversation, so gripping and fascinating you’ll have to share with a friend!