Larry Pratt drops in and shares “The REALLY, Real, Deal” on the controversial gun rights issue with Reverend Craig the Hatchet Man. Pratt has been Executive Director of Gun Owners of America (GOA) for over 30 years. GOA is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. Learn more about GOA by visiting Pratt has appeared on numerous national radio and TV programs such as NBC’s Today Show, CBS’ Good Morning America, CNN’s Crossfire, Larry King Live, and Fox News, amongst many others, and his columns have appeared in newspapers across the country. Pratt has also debated Charles Rangel (D-NY and Vice President Al Gore, amongst others, and is the author of Armed People Victorious (1990), On the Firing Line: Essays in the Defense of Liberty (2001), and editor of Safeguarding Liberty: The Constitution & Militias, (1995). Pratt held elective office in the state legislature of Virginia, and directs a number of public interest organizations, and presently serves as Vice-Chairman of the American Institute for Cancer Research. Join this insightful conversation, live or on-demand, with guest, Larry Pratt on the Second Amendment with constitutional expert and host, Reverend Craig, and share the conversation with a friend
The Hatchet Man ➢ Seven Cs For Success ➢ Constitutional Limits ➢ Larry Pratt of GOA & the Second Amendment