Our Lips vs. Our Hearts
We Say With Our Lips, We Show With Our Hearts is a biblical reference ( Isiah 29:13 and Matthew 15:8 ).
If we examine Our Lips vs. Our Hearts within such Black “Poverty Pimp” groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa, the Nation of Islam, and the NAACP, we will not be deceived by what they “say with their lips.”
The same goes for the “Pulpit Pimps”. They cry “justice for all”, with small portions of the bible, but refuse to preach “the whole counsel of God” and His righteousness.
These organizations fiercely point at the “splinter in the eye” of the successful in society, but they rarely get called out for the “plank in their own eye” (Mat 7:1-5). The net result is that there are many groups and individuals who never get the “blessing” of receiving rebuke or correction because they play the race card, the poverty card, or some other victim card. Meanwhile, the “nice” Christians and Conservatives are so “decaffeinated” that they lack the spiritual energy to offer any push back or critique.
Our Lips vs. Our Hearts: Black Lives Matter & Bernell Trammell
These terrible ones” shall be brought to nought, and their “scorners”‘ consumed; for they make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth at the gate. Isaiah 29
One of those who gave “a word”, and “reproved these people at the gate”‘, was the black Trump supporter, Bernell Trammell. The BLM anarchists and murderers shot Mr. Trammell dead in front of his bookstore in Milwaukee, as he held a Trump sign and preached out loud. The media has not made a big deal of his cold-blooded murder, which happened in broad daylight.
Our Lips vs. Our Hearts: Where was BLM?
Bernell Trammell
BLM violence has destroyed more black lives in three months than police violence has in a decade (Isaiah 29). Yet, the media conversation seems to perpetually focus on keeping the responsible people on defense over a few missteps. Meanwhile, the perpetrators continue terrorizing cities all over America, while getting a pass and billions of dollars in donations to help them destroy the nation (including receiving money from those in a futile attempt to “buy” protection).
Our Lips vs. Our Hearts: BLM Protests In Portland
Operation Legend Seeking to Put Down the Violence
Sins of Commission Vs. Sins of Omission
Today, consider the Democrat Party’s “Sins of Commission” (the wicked) and the Republican Party’s “Sins of Omission” (the weak). In Proverbs 29:18, the Word of Lord declares that: Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Further to this post, check out my previous post, “America, Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?”
I pray that this message brings enlightenment and courage to those who are seeking it.
God Bless, America.
Reverend Craig