Enjoy this archive broadcast of Dr. Walter E. Williams, who will be joining Reverend Craig for an encore visit, Saturday, 03/17/18, 10am – 12pm, ET. on WNTW 820 AM The Answer.
In this rebroadcast, renowned economist and auth0r, Dr. Walter E. Williams weighs on the nation’s economy in this enjoyable pre-recorded interview Dr. Williams is the author of over 150 publications which have appeared in scholarly journals such as Economic Inquiry, American Economic Review, Georgia Law Review, Journal of Labor Economics, Social Science Quarterly, and Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy and popular publications such as Newsweek, Ideas on Liberty, National Review, Reader’s Digest, Cato Journal, and Policy Review.
He has authored numerous books, including American Contempt, Do the Right Thing: The People’s Economist Speaks, More Liberty Means Less Government, Liberty vs. the Tyranny of Socialism, Up From The Projects: An Autobiography, and Race and Economics: How Much Can Be Blamed On Discrimination?
Dr. Williams has made scores of radio and television appearances which include “Nightline,” “Firing Line,” “Face the Nation,” Milton Friedman’s “Free To Choose,” “Crossfire,” “MacNeil/Lehrer,” “Wall Street Week” and was a regular commentator for “Nightly Business Report.”
Currently, he is an occasional substitute host for the “Rush Limbaugh” show. In addition Dr. Williams writes a nationally syndicated weekly column that is carried by approximately 140 newspapers and several web sites.
Check out some of Dr. Williams’ book titles below.