More Benghazi revelations are shared from guest, Brad Owens, a contractor with the Torres Firm, who was personally on the ground in Benghazi six months before the raid, and was in charge of gearing up to take over the guard duty. After the September 11th attacks destroyed the compound and killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, the State Department instructed the Torres Firm and associates not to reveal that the request to move in and take over had been made. In addition, the State Department demanded that Torres’s force be unarmed The State Department also instructed them not to reveal the request that the guards be unarmed. None of these facts have been disclosed previously. Brad Owens, of Torres Systems, recounted these events for the first time on the Tucker Carlson Show on Fox News, and now shares “The REALLY, Real, Deal” with Reverend Craig.
The Hatchet Man ➢ Radio ➢ Benghazi Former Military Contractor, Brad Owens, Shares “The REALLY, Real, Deal” on the 9/11 Attacks